All sermons

Title Speaker Date Series
Great Doctor: Hope and Healing 2014-02-23 General
Psalm 110 2014-02-16 Psalms
Sexual Purity 2014-02-09 General
Bride of Christ 2014-02-09 General
Jesus: The Way Out of Confusion 2014-02-02 General
Christian Liberties (Part 2) 2014-01-26 General
Christian Liberties (Part 1) 2014-01-26 General
Before You Say, “I Do.” 2014-01-19 General
Priorities: Big Rocks 2014-01-12 General
Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness 2013-12-22 Fruit of the Spirit
Attendants at His Birth 2013-12-15 General
Faith From The Book Of John 2013-12-08 General
Babes in Christ 2013-12-01 General
Hot, Cold or Luke Warm 2013-12-01 General
Steubenville, What Happened 2013-11-24 General
Appointment of Elder Steve Prasuhn and Deacons 2013-11-17 Lafayette
Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15) 2013-11-10 General
Psalm 16 2013-11-06 Psalms
Fruit of the Spirit - Patience 2013-10-27 Fruit of the Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit - Peace 2013-10-20 Fruit of the Spirit



YouTube Channel

All recent sermon and bible class recordings are now available on our YouTube channel:


Lafayette church of Christ - YouTube Channel


Older Material

Grateful for the work of many who have influenced us for good, we offer these outlines and messages. We make no claims of originality in the presentation of these truths. We kindly appreciate the opportunity to share the work of others along with our own. We pray that truth is taught and God is glorified by these efforts.

Study The Word With Us

Our aim by studying God's word is to better know God and His son, Jesus the Christ, that we might hear the words of eternal life (John 17:3; Philippians 3:10-11; John 6:68) and glorify our Father in heaven. We have adult age classes that typically run one semester in length. We meet at our building location on Sundays before worship service and on Wednesday nights. Please see the location page for class locations. At these same times we also conduct classes of all ages for very young children through high-school age that we might tell the riches of His grace with all.

2013 Fall Studies

Gospel of John - main building (upstairs)

The Revelation of God To John - main building (downstairs)

Somewhat ironically, apocalyptic scriptures, such as Revelation, are often considered mysterious and difficult to understand. The irony in this comes from the fact that 'apocalypse' (in Greek) literally means a disclosure or uncovering of knowledge. This type of writing is meant to reveal truths, not conceal or confuse them. The aim of this study is to build on the foundations laid in previous studies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and particularly Ezekiel to help remove the mystery that surrounds apocalyptic scripture in Daniel, the gospels, and primarily in Revelation. In so doing, participants will see the primary message of these texts: God is always victorious, and those who are on his side will share in victory.


Online Bible Study Recordings and Resources