Priorities: Big Rocks
Speaker: Alan Yeater- Details
- Series: General
- Date:
- Additional file: 2014-01-12 Priorities (Big Rocks) - Alan Yeater.docx

Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1 – 9
A. Put in the Big Rocks First
B. Will you allow God to structure your priority system?
I. What Does God Call “Big Rocks”?
A. Love God: Deut. 6:4 – 9
B. Fear God: Eccl. 12:13 – 14
C. Trust God: Righteous people live on the basis of faith (Hab. 2:4).
1. Jesus summary: Matthew 22:37 – 40
D. Faith comes by hearing the words of God (Romans 10:17)
1. Any real progress in placing the appropriate big rocks in the jar of life is based upon knowing God.
2. He cannot be known outside of the revelation of Himself.
3. He has written us an historical record of His love for us.
4. Will we dare to read and learn to love?
5. Reading guides are on the back table. Find an accountability partner – Brady
E. Draw near to God
1. Heb. 4:14 - 16
2. James 4:6 – 8
F. Seek first God’s kingdom (rule) in your life (Matt. 6:33; Heb. 10:23 – 26)
II. Holiness and Obedience Over Sacrifice
A. Isaiah 1:15 – 17
B. Amos 5:14, 15, 21 – 24
C. Micah 6:6 – 8
III. Family Rules: Every other social relationship is built around these.
A. Husbands: Love and Serve Your Wife - “get rid of the junk”
1. Eph. 5:25 “As Christ loved”
2. Col.3:19 “Husbands, love your wives, and do not be bitter against them.”
3. 1 Peter 3:7
B. Wives: Respect Your Husbands
1. Eph. 5:22 “Wives be subject (respect) to your husbands.”
2. Col. 3:18 “…as is fitting in the Lord.”
C. Children: Obey Your Parents
1. Eph. 6:1 – 3
IV. Life is Hard
A. "Preach to broken hearts, there is one in every pew." That is wrong, there is more than one on every pew, maybe everyone on every pew.
1. "How are you?" "Fine, we are not all fine."
2. Every one has a story of hurt and hardship. Everyone.
3. Let’s not pretend that we have it all together and have all the answers to the questions.
4. Let’s not pretend that we don't hurt, suffer and cry.
5. Let's not pretend that we never doubt, or worry, or question, or get angry, or wander about confused."
B. It's time to reach out to one another.
1. Recent examples: Death and Disappointment – 2013 Very Hard Year
2. "Although your grief is very personal and very real, you are not alone in the daily struggle."
3. You are not alone.
4. Satan's tactic is to deceive and isolate his victim by thinking that no one else suffers like me and they don't want to be around me.
C. The Power of Light in a Dark World
1. "Influence is a powerful thing and few of us realize the power of one."
2. There is power in one light. You are that light to your children.
V. Conclusion:
A. “I have to be an example for my children.”
B. “…set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Tim. 4:12)
C. Although Jesus indicated that life is hard, He said: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)