S.R.  (Luke 1:26 - 38)


  1. Have you ever wondered why certain people were invited to participate in the birth and subsequent joy associated with that occasion?
    1. Why Joseph and Mary for his earthly parents?
    2. Why shepherds?
    3. Why Anna and Simeon?
    4. Why Herod the Great?
    5. Why were these chosen to play a part in this event?
  1. Perhaps the most simple and profound test for an individual is his/her response concerning “belief of the truth” (2 Thess. 2:13).
    1. The truth of the written word (John 17:17)
    2. Was made known through the living word (John 1:1 – 3, 14: 14:6)
  2. Truth was abundantly displayed when the eternal Son of God became the incarnate Son of Man.

I.       Mary and Joseph

A.  Both met the genealogical requirements of the Davidic line (2 Samuel 7)

B.  Response of both to God’s messenger, Gabriel

C.  Astounding news to comprehend  “how can this be…?” (Luke1:34)

D.  Humanly costly to accept:

E.   Yet they did not hesitate to believe and act immediately upon the instructions given.

II.    The Shepherds  (Luke 2:8 – 18)

A.  Common ordinary men on a Judean hillside tending sheep through the night.

B.  Heavenly messengers declare a most wonderful event – the Messiah had arrived.

C.  Let us go and see (Luke 2:15 – 16).

D.  They acted immediately upon the information given.  How about me?

III. Simeon and Anna  (Luke 2:29 – 38)

A.  About a month after the circumcision of the Jesus at 8 days of age, Mary and Joseph came to the temple to offer a sacrifice according to the Law of Moses (Lev. 12:1 – 8).

B.  Simeon (“a man,”  giving him no special title) was righteous (just) and devout.

1.    The Holy Spirit had communicated to him that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

2.    The Spirit directed him to the temple at the time that Mary and Joseph were offering their sacrifice regarding the birth of their son.

3.    God spoke through the mouth of Simeon (Luke 2:29 – 35).

C.  Anna, is (either 84 years of age or has been a widow for 84 years) a permanent resident of the temple. (Luke 2:36 – 38)

1.    She speaks to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem?

2.    Are you listening to aged saints who speak of the redemption of your soul?

D.  Both Simeon and Anna acted immediately to obey and spread the truth.

IV. The Wise Men  (Matthew 2:1 – 12)

A.  Many Old Testament prophecies announced specific evens in the earthly life of Jesus.

B.  The wise men search to know when and where the Messiah would be born.

1.    Some of these prophecies may have been familiar to the Magi.

2.    This may have initiated their journey to find this “king of the Jews” (Mt. 2:2)

3.    These men may have been scholars from Persia and may have had access to the writings of Daniel  “seventy weeks” and the commentaries of the Babylonian Talmud.

4.    Coupled with their astronomical calculations “saw his star in the east” (2:2), they arrived in Jerusalem.

5.    They acted upon the limited information they had and sought additional answers regarding the exact location of the Messiah. 

6.    Jewish leaders informed them of the prophecy of Micah 5:2  “

7.    When pointed to Bethlehem by the Scriptures and the star they acted immediately and found the house (not in a barn or stable any longer) where Mary and Joseph were residing and worshipped the recently born King of Jews and light of the Gentiles (Mt. 2:2; Luke 2:32).

8.    The wise men are warned in a dream not to return to Herod.

C.  Wise men today still search to know this King.

V.    King Herod  (Matthew 2:7-8, 16)

A.  This morally corrupt, ruthless and blood thirsty king seeks to know who this newborn rival may be and where he may be found.

B.  The wise men are warned in a dream not to return to Herod.  Joseph is warned by an angel of the Lord to escape to Egypt.

C.  Herod is enraged and kills all male children 2 years old and under in Bethlehem and its environs.

D.  There was no “love of the truth” in Herod (2 Thess. 2:10)

1.    Truth demands action.  We saw that in Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, Simeon and Anna and in the Wise men.

2.    Some people choose to deny, suppress and reject truth.

VI. The Pharisees (noticeably absent)

A.  These men were the conservative religious leaders. 

B.  Yet they chose affluence and influence over obedience and reverence.

C.  Rather than follow the clear teachings of Scripture, they chose to follow distorted and complicated reasoning of men (Talmud).

D.  The Lord Jesus gave His most harsh criticism to these men.


A. The positive and negative reactions to the truth about Jesus at the time of his birth and his resurrection are precisely the responses seen today.

B. Only belief and obedient response to truth can lead to salvation in Christ.

C. What will you do with Jesus?