Reading: Galatians 5:13-26


This morning as we continue our study of the fruit of the Spirit, we’ll consider “kindness” (chréstotés), the fifth virtue that comprises this singular “fruit”.

Remember if we walk by the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit will be visible in our lives. If we live for our own selfish desires (i.e. “carry out the desires of the flesh”) the works of the flesh will be “evident” in our lives. Cf. Ga. 2:20; 5:16-17, 24.

Chréstotés (G5544) can be translated Kindness, or Goodness. It carries ideas of Kindliness, Benignity, and Sweetness. “Kindness” when speaking of God often accompanies love, patience, grace and mercy. It is yet another facet of the precious stone which is God’s character.

I. David and the Kindness of God

A. “The Kindness of God”: David’s Experience (esp. 2 Sa. 7-8)

B. “Showing the Kindness of God”: David’s Response (2 Sa. 9:1-13)

C. Observations of David’s Kindness:

1. David sought opportunities to show kindness (2 Sa. 9:1, 3, 4)

2. Kindness was manifested in action not simply attitude.

3. Kindness was expressed as supplying Mephibosheth’s needs.

4. Kindness was expressed in an abundance of generosity.

5. David had the resources and ability to supply Mephibosheth’s need and he freely shared.

6. Kindness benefited many people: not only Mephibosheth but his son Mica (2 Sa. 9:12), his grandfather’s servant Ziba (2 Sa. 9:9-11), and Ziba’s whole family (2 Sa. 9:10, 12).

II. The Kindness of God in Christ

A. “When the Kindness of God our Savior and His Love for Mankind Appeared, He Saved Us” (Tit. 3:3-8)

B. “The Kindness of God Leads You To Repentance” (Ro. 2:1-6)

C. In Kindness, “You Were Grafted In” (Ro. 11:17-24)

D. Mercy, Love, Grace and Kindness “In The Ages To Come” (Ep. 2:1-10)

E. “Tasting” His Kindness (1 Pe. 2:1-3)

III. Kindness, God’s “produce” in us

A. “Ronnie Wilson’s Gift” (Francis Chan)

B. “You Did It To Me” (Mt. 25:31-40)

C. “You Did Not Do It To Me” (Mt. 25:41-46)

IV.  Summary Principles

A. Kindness is First From God

B. Kindness To Others is Our Response to God’s Kindness

C. Kindness is an Action, Not Simply a Disposition

D. Kindness Should Be Profitable, Not Crippling

E. Kindness Should Be Generous, Not Stingy


Consider David’s question and make it your own, “Is there not yet anyone… to whom I may show the kindness of God?” (2 Sa. 9:3).

“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’” (Mt. 25:40)