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- Series: General
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- Additional file: 2014-02-02 Jesus - The Way Out of Confusion - Alan Yeater.docx

S. R. John 12:42-50
Intro: Jesus, the Way (John 14:6) – correspondence course – adv.
- The religious world is filled with ideas and faiths.
- Different “holy books” offer differing standards by which people should live
- Some worship one god; others worship many deities.
- Multiplicities of religious beliefs are extremely confusing.
- Even in the “Christian faith” there are conflicting denominational ideas that often leave our heads spinning.
- How do we find our way out of this malaise and back on the path toward God.
- Different “holy books” offer differing standards by which people should live
- The answer is found in Jesus’ life and teachings.
- In the first century, great religious divisions existed among Jewish people.
- Greek and Roman influences lay behind many of these differences.
- Alexander The Great had spread Hellenistic customs, practices, and religions over the world. (Parthenon)
- Later, reaction to Rome’s rule and its religions caused the Jews to splinter further in their unity of faith. (Pantheon)
- Many Jewish religious parties (sects) developed.
- Sadducees were willing to compromise some of God’s teachings to save the temple and keep their position. (John 11:47-48)
- They claimed to believe the scriptures but denied that a spiritual realm existed and, therefore, discounted the resurrection of the dead.(Mt. 22:23; Acts 23:8)
- Pharisees were opposed to spiritual compromise.
- Originally, they were determined to carefully keep God’s Word.
- This effort eventually turned into the exaltation of human ideas and traditions – exalting them even above God’s revealed will. (Mark 7:6-8)
- Jesus was hounded by Pharisees His entire adult life.
- Other groups such as the Zealots, and the Herodians had political agendas as well as religious disagreements.
- The Essenes avoided it all by withdrawing from society and formed smaller religious communities.
- Sadducees were willing to compromise some of God’s teachings to save the temple and keep their position. (John 11:47-48)
- Confusion reigned!
- How did Jesus deal with all these differences?
- First, there are several things that He did not do.
- He did not throw up His hands and say, “I give up! There are so many contradictory concepts. Why should I try?”
- Secondly, He never implied that truth was not essential.
- He did not suggest that one idea is as good as another.
- Finally, though Jesus believed truths found in each of the groups we have mentioned, He refused to join any of them.
- Let us take note of what Jesus did.
- Jesus searched the Scriptures and meditated on God’s Word.
- At twelve year old Jesus discussed scripture with Jewish religious scholars. (Lk.2:45-47)
- Years later, He astounded formally trained Jews with His knowledge of God’s Law and His ability to properly use it.
- a. Jesus told them, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me.” (Jn.7:15-16)
- While denouncing the hypocrisy of the scribes and the Pharisees, our Lord emphasized the necessity of listening to and obeying the Word of God that they taught. (Matt.23:2-3)
- Like Jesus, we can make our way through the numerous false and confusing ideas by holding to God’s Word, the Bible.
- Let’s observe three groups or individuals who found Jesus, the way out of confusion.
- First, there are several things that He did not do.
- Acts 8:4-13 Samaritans
- Philip is preaching what? “word”
- Who is He proclaiming? Christ – the anointed one, the king
- What confirmed that what he taught was from God? (Mk. 16:20; Heb 2:4, Acts 14:3)
- Who had formerly astonished the people?
- How did these Samaritans respond to the teaching regarding Jesus? (Acts 8:12)
- How did Simon respond? (Acts 8:13) believed, baptized
- Acts 8:25-40 Ethiopian
- What is the nationality and religious background of this “administrator”?
- What is he doing while sitting in the chariot?
- What is he reading and does he understand it?
- About whom did Philip tell him?
- What did the eunuch immediately seek to do after hearing about Jesus?
- Acts 11:19-26 Gentiles
- To whom were the teachers “speaking the word”? (Acts 11:19-20)
- Regarding whom were they speaking? “the Lord Jesus”
- Who was with them while conducting this teaching?
- The large number who believed turned to whom? (Acts 11:21)
- When people hear, believe and turn to the Lord, or what is that a demonstration? (Acts 11:23)
- Those who have turned to the Lord were encouraged to do what? (Acts 11:23)
- A considerable number of people were brought to whom? (Acts 11:24)
- When you think of these believers as a group, who have turned to the Lord and are remaining true to the Lord what were they called? (Acts 11:26)
- When you think of those who have been brought to the Lord individually what were they called?
- Conclusion:
- What are you religiously?
- What descriptive terms were given to believers as they worked together as a group?
- If Christ died to have a people, by what name would they be recognized?