S. R.  Numbers 27:15 - 23


A.    Today is a significant milestone in the history of the Lord’s church here.

1.  I commend you for having peacefully carried out God’s will.

2.  Future of this church is bright. (1 Thess. 4:12 – 15)

B.     This is a serious and sobering occasion (Acts 14:23)  “fasting and prayer”

1.      The well-being of souls is our focus – must never forget that.

2.      This is an effort to honor and obey God.

Review N.T. Procedure

     A.  Preaching, Teaching, Study and Prayer (1 Tim. 3:1-6; Titus 1:5 – 11)

1.      This has been done.  (Walk through PPT slides).

2.      God gave the qualities necessary for shepherding souls.

3.      The Holy Spirit makes overseers by means of teaching (Acts 20:28)

B.  Selection from among yourselves  (cf. Acts 6:3)

1.      Every member had the opportunity to participate in the selection process.

a.       As a result of the agreed upon selection process, two weeks ago, Steve Prasuhn was presented to the congregation for consideration to serve as an elder.

2.      Time for objections was given, being no objections, now none are in order.

C.     May I commend our shepherds for initiating and executing this process.

a.       The attitude of  Jeryl and Geoff to welcome additional shepherds is commendable.

b.      We need more pastors. 

D.    For those who are not yet ready, please keep working hard to be prepared to serve in the near future.

E.     For those who think others should be serving but are not, please be patient with men who have reservations about their own ability to serve at present.

a.       They have reasons of which you may not be aware.

b.      Please keep encouraging those you see shepherding sheep to keep serving and growing.

c.       We pray that others will be willing to smell like sheep by the interaction in others lives in their home and yours.

F.      Steve Prasuhn is not going to be

a.       A junior elder.  He will have the same responsibility to “watch for our souls” as Jeryl and Geoff.   (Hebrews 13:17)

b.      The elder.  When a decision is made, it is made by the elders.  No one who is self – willed and must always have his way is fit to be an elder.   Elders make decisions based upon mutual consent.  Each considers and values the input of the others and comes to decisions by consideration and consensus.

G.    Appointment to this work is contingent upon the desire, qualities and service in that work.

a.       It is not a lifelong appointment.

b.      It is a service appointment.

c.       When an elder ceases to serve whether by physical or spiritual inability to lead the sheep he should no longer seek to serve or should be removed from serving.

d.      (1 Timothy 1:5 – 7; 5:17 – 22)


The Appointment


A.  The appointment of elders is the time when a congregation acknowledges and recognizes their work as overseers of  a local congregation (Acts 14:23)

B.  Titus was commanded by Paul  “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you;”

a.       Titus 1:5

b.      Note that the qualities of elders and deacons are found in two documents written to evangelists by an apostle. (1 Tim. 3, Titus 1 – elders)

C.    Relationships depend upon agreement

1.      The relationship between the overseers and the local church is really an agreement between them based upon the Scriptures.

2.      Note (Numbers 27:15 – 23)  as an example of God’s selection and appointment of a new leader.

D.  Evangelist, Mike Sullivan will now step forward and appoint Steve Prasuhn as a pastor.

E.   Appointment of Deacons:  Elders requested that I appoint these whom you selected.

  • Teaching the word of God is primary  (Acts 6:3 - 6)  Congregation selected these servants
  • Serving the needs of saints is both spiritual and physical work.
  • Deacons serve a valuable role in planning and executing work assigned by the elders.

o  Qualities necessary:

o  Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money,

o  9  holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.

o  10  But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless.

o  11  Likewise their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

o  12  Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

o  13  For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. (1 Tim. 3:8 – 13)

o  Holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. (1 Timothy 3:9)

1.     He is to hold fast, or keep, the word of God  cf. (Jude 3) “the faith”

2.     He is to have a pure conscience arising from consistency of his practice and his professed faith.  (cf. 1 Tim.4:2).

3.     “But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work…fulfill your ministry.” (2 Tim. 4:5)

  • Prayer:
  • Luke 17:10 "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'"

Conclusion:  Jesus, the greatest of all servants, invites us to become His servants by

  • Trusting Him absolutely (John 8:24)
  • Repenting of all past sins (Acts 2:38)
  • Confessing Him as the resurrected Lord of your life  (Romans 10:9 – 10)
  • Buried with Him in baptism  (Romans 6:3 – 4)