Matthew 28:18-20 (our background text) Jesus highlights one of the fundamental requirements to be His disciple is a willingness to submit to His authority by observing every command.

  1. The Teaching of Jesus
    1. “The Gospel of the Kingdom” (Mt. 7:21-23; cf. Mt. 4:23; 9:35)
      1. Jesus repeatedly emphasizes obedience to the will of God from our whole person (e.g. Mt. 5:6, 16; 6:9-10, 33).
      2. Jesus approved of prophecy, demon expulsion and miracles, and went on to send His disciples out to do these things (Mt. 10:1, 8; cf. Mk. 10:38-40).  
      3. In the context of the sermon, God’s will is ultimately love for my neighbor (Mt. 5:21-48) and love for God (Mt. 6:1-33).
    2. “Commandments of God” and “Traditions of Men” (Mt. 15:1-9; cf. Mk. 7:1-13)
      1. Jesus, appealed to the written word of God as the only true authority.
        1. "It is written." (Mt. 4:4, 7, 10)
        2. "Have you never read?" (Mt. 19:4; 21:15, 16, 42; 22:31)
        3. "How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must happen this way?" (Mt. 26:54, 56)
      2. Jesus repeatedly rejected human traditions that invalidated the word of God.
        1. “You have heard that it was said”, vs. “But I say to you” (Mt. 7:21-48).
        2. “God said,” vs. “But you say” (Mt. 15:4-5).
    3. “The Weightier Matters” (Mt. 23:23-24)
      1. Tithing was commanded in the law of Moses (Lv. 27:30; Dt. 14:22-23).
      2. Weightier matters also taught in law and prophets (Dt. 10:12-13; 1 Sa. 15:22-23; Ps. 40:6-8; Ps. 51:16-7; Is. 1:10-17; Ho. 6:6; Am. 5:21-24; Je. 7:22-23; Zec. 7:9-10).
  2. Summary and Balance
    1. We Must Seek the Will of God From Our Whole Being, Rather Than a Resume of (Right) Religious Activities.
    2. We Must Seek the Will of God Within the Written Word of God not Human Traditions.
    3. We Must Seek to Observe All of God’s Word, The “Weightier” Without Neglecting So-called “Details.”
    4. Am I Willing To Submit to the Will of God?
    5. Obedience and Grace