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- Series: General
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- Additional file: 2013-09-29 Shepherds, Men of Experience - Alan Yeater.doc
A. Ezekiel 34 Pictures of Shepherds; John 10 The Good Shepherd
1. Jesus came as a Servant – Shepherd (Mark 10:45; 1 Peter 5:4)
2. Spiritual leaders are servants who: Shepherd, Protect and Feed
B. Three terms which identify the service of elders
1. Acts 20:28; Titus 1:7; 1 Tim. 3:1; Ph’p. 1:1 Term: ______________
a. Episkopoi – emphasizes oversight and responsibility
2. Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 5:1, 17; Titus 1:5; 1 Pt. 5:1 Term: ______________
a. Presbuteroi – implies age, experience and maturity
3. 1 Peter 2:25; 5:2; Eph. 4:11 Term: ______________
a. Poimaenoi – shepherds, responsible for feeding and protecting
4. These terms emphasize what about these men’s responsibilities?
a. They watch over souls (Heb. 13:17)
b. We should imitate good shepherds (Heb. 13:7)
C. Background of 1 Timothy 3
1. (Acts 20: 17 – 32)
2. (1 Timothy 1:3 – 7; 2:1 – 3:16 - Role Relationships; 3:14; 4:1 – 3)
3. Qualifications for or qualities of? “Must be” (1 Tim. 3:2,4, 8)
D. When you are facing a major decision regarding: career, marriage, business who would you seek out for counsel? List three men in your mind. Why these?
1. I know ____, ____, ____ well. I have some relationship with them.
2. I see ____, ____, ____ as experienced and competent to give counsel.
3. ____, ____, ____ are available. I can always find them.
4. ____, ____, ____ are approachable. I am comfortable being open with them.
5. ____, ____, ____ are hospitable and create opportunities for conversation.
6. ____, ____, ____ know the word of God.
7. ____, ____, ____are respected by the people I most admire.
8. This exercise is a practical way to describe a good shepherd.
I. Experience with Life
A. Men who have been around a while
1. We should hold in high esteem aged men of integrity and dignity.
2. Experience deepens ones wisdom and refines his judgment.
3. “An elder must be”
B. Men who have been around Jesus a Long While
1. (Acts 4:13) “they had been with Jesus”
2. Not hot again, cold again. Inconsistent spiritual walk displays a lack of maturity.
3. Novice zeal is appealing, but needs refining. (1 Tim. 5:22) don’t be hasty.
4. Good elders have walked with the Lord for a long time.
C. Men who have been around the Devil a Long While
1. He has wrestled with sin and temptation – and won.
a. Long years of spiritual combat toughen a person’s resolve to fight sin.
b. These are not ignorant of Satan’s schemes.
2. Pastors have hammered out practical methods to deal with the evil one.
3. Such a person can offer wise advice to weak and young lambs who have been bitten by wolves.
4. These shepherds are not shocked to learn of spiritual defeats, but will listen with a heart of compassion and offer resources and strategies that work.
II. Experience with the Word
A. Men who teach positively
1. A man who is thoroughly experienced in the word of God.
2. A good shepherd is “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2) and is called a pastor and teacher (Eph.4:11).
3. The shepherd is at home with the Bible and at home sharing it with the flock.
4. He is one who is able to connect the Scriptures with our life’s challenges.
5. A teaching elder opens himself to the sheep and provides God’s words as pasture to hungry sheep.
6. Able to teach does not necessarily require skilled public speaking, but it does require that he teach the Word.
7. Questions: Does he teach? Does he hold firmly to the trustworthy message?
8. He is one who “encourages others by sound doctrine” (Titus 1:9)
B. Men who teach negatively
1. Not only will the good shepherd provide good pasture he will protect the sheep from predators and predatory teaching (Titus 1:9) “Refute those who contradict” (NASB)
C. Summary: a pastor must be a man of the Word who knows it, lives it and can teach it effectively to stimulate love and good deeds.