Church: Does Jesus Have One?
Speaker: Alan Yeater- Details
- Series: General
- Date:
- Additional file: 2015-08-09 Church-Does Jesus Have One - Alan Yeater.pdf
S.R. Matthew 16:13-28
- Kristina Katerina and the Box.
- With the myriad of church options available have you ever thought about starting your own church? A club for just you and your sometimes friends.
- If someone were to ask you: “Does Jesus have a church?” One church?
- How would you answer?
- Maybe more importantly: How would He answer?
- What Do People Say? (Matthew 16:13-14)
- Survey then:
- John the Baptist (none greater among men)
- Elijah (the Messiah’s forerunner) Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1
- Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets
- All these would have been a complement to a mere man, but of Jesus?
- Who do people today say that Jesus is?
- Survey then:
- What Do You Say?
- What really matters is a personal evaluation and declaration.
- Jesus only permitted two options: Matthew 10:32-33
- Peter speaks up and makes a bold declaration. Matthew 16:16
- Earlier statements: John 6:69
- John 6:69
- Matthew 14:33
- On this occasion Peter says:
- Earlier statements: John 6:69
- Unpack that Statement:
- Peter acknowledges, declares and confesses that Jesus is the Messiah (the anointed of God),
- He is the Unique and exclusive Son of the Father (Psalm 2, Hebrews 1)
- He is unlike the dead pagan god’s of the Gentiles.
- He is the eternal “living” God. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
- What really matters is a personal evaluation and declaration.
- What Does Jesus Say?
- Matthew 16:17
- Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah (John 1:42 – NASB)
- “flesh and blood” colloquialism for man cf. Galatians1:12) did not reveal.
- This was “divine revelation” (signs – John 5:31-39)
- Matthew 16:18
- Peter – nickname given Simon by Jesus (cf. John 1:42)
- Jesus anticipates future stability (Acts 4:10).
- Upon this rock (Ck. Petra) I will build my church. – future reality
- Church is a reference to a called out group of people. (Acts 19)
- Only other use in Matthew is Matthew 18:17. “tell it to the church”
- Church is always a reference to people (2 Thessalonians 2:14) “called out”
- Two possibilities regarding the foundation upon which Jesus would build:
- Peter – nickname given Simon by Jesus (cf. John 1:42)
- Who or what is the foundation upon which Jesus would build His church?
- First: Old Testament references to my Rock – is always a reference to God\
- Secondly: When Peter speaks of the rock he never identifies himself as the rock, but rather says, (Acts 4:10-11)
- Thirdly: Paul taught: (1 Corinthians 3:11)
- The foundation is Christ, as Holy Spirit guided apostles and prophets proclaimed (Ephesians 1:3-13; 2:20)
- Satan cannot overpower or keep among the dead the Founder or His family.
- Jesus would triumph over death and defeat Satan in the process. (Hebrews 2:14)
- Death would not stop Christ from building nor defeat those who would comprise this family.
- Matthew 16:19
- Keys of the kingdom (Luke 11:52; Matthew 7:21; 13:52)
- Remember Peter’s teaching to Jews and Gentiles (Acts 2,10)
- Bind and loose (common rabbinic phrases of Jewish scribes.
- Was God saying to Peter and later to all the apostles (Matthew 18:1, 18) that whatever they decided would be bound and loosed on earth God would be compelled to enforce from heaven? (John 14:26, 15:26; 16:13 – 15)
- Peter and the rest of the apostles were only free to teach on earth what God had willed in heaven.
- “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
- The apostles had no right to legislate law. They were authorized to report the laws of heaven to those on earth.
- Keys of the kingdom (Luke 11:52; Matthew 7:21; 13:52)
- We would do well to give due diligence to the apostles teaching (Acts 2:42) as did first century Disciples of Christ and members of His church.
- Matthew 16:17
- Conclusion:
- It is one thing to believe that Jesus is the Christ. Is quite another to comprehend what that demands. (Matthew 16:21-23)
- Peter fails miserably at this point to realize what Jesus is about.
- At one moment Peter speaks what God has revealed. You are the Christ.
- In the next, he is trying to tell the King how to administer His kingdom.
- Peter finds himself in one moment the voice of God – then the voice of Satan.
- Christ does not leave His apostles clueless as to the events of the next few weeks.
- In no uncertain terms Jesus describes His agenda (Matthew 16:21)
- He next offers for them and us to embrace it along with Him.
- Anyone – whoever (Matthew 16:24-28)
- Count the cost. – Take up your cross – “follow me.”
- Where He leads me I will follow.
- The cross always comes before the crown of victory.
- Be not dismayed, the King has come and will come in Victory.
- Count the cost. – Take up your cross – “follow me.”
- Hebrews 5:7-9
- It is one thing to believe that Jesus is the Christ. Is quite another to comprehend what that demands. (Matthew 16:21-23)