Disciples: What to Expect
Speaker: Alan Yeater- Details
- Series: General
- Date:
- Additional file: 2015-08-02 Disciples-What to Expect - Alan Yeater.pdf
S.R. Matthew 9:35-10:16
- What am I getting into?
- Always an excellent question to ask.
- What are the expectations, requirements and responsibilities if I accept this opportunity?
- Jesus never trapped or strong armed people into following Him.
- He wanted them to know upfront who He was (is) King.
- And He unashamedly challenged would be disciples with expectations.
- Matthew 10 fits squarely in addressing those questions.
- 1. For daily Bible readers who are following the 5 day reading plan, Friday was Matthew 10.
- 2. I found it to be challenging on several fronts.
- 3. Perhaps you did also. Let’s consider together what King Jesus said.
- Background of Matthew:
- Matthew 3:2-3
- Matthew 4:17-25 Introduction to the public ministry
- Matthew 4:17
- Matthew 16:21
- Next week (Matthew 16)
- (Matthew 5:1-7:29) First discourse: discipleship (Constitution of the Kingdom)
- (Matthew 8:1-9:34) A selection of Jesus’ miracles
- (Matthew 9:35-11:1) Second discourse: the disciples’ mission
- (Matthew 9:35-38) Summary and introduction: workers for the harvest
- (Matthew 10:1-4) Twelve apostles (cf. Luke 6)
- (Matthew 10:5-16) Instructions for their mission; Limited term (Matthew 10:5-15)
- Principles for long term mission of apostles (Matthew 10:16-23)
- Principles for all disciples (Matthew 10:24-42) "a disciple"
- (Matthew 10:17-39) Warnings of conflict and persecution
- (Matthew 10:40-42) Representing Jesus
- (Matthew 11:1) Conclusion
- Apostles Commissioned (Matthew 10:1-15)
- Apostles named and assignments given (Matthew 10:1)
- Authority (power) to do like the Master was doing.
- Follow me (Matthew4:19)
- Teaching about the kingdom and fighting the devil.
- Authority (power) to do like the Master was doing.
- At this point a limited target audience is noted in Matthew 10:5-15
- (Matthew 10:5-6) Jews only
- Always important to identify your objective.
- Instructions given regarding:
- How to travel – light
- With whom to lodge – those sympathetic and supportive of the work
- Transition to future assignments to reach out to all people (Matthew 28:19).
- While speaking about the resistance the Twelve would encounter in their mission to Israel (Matthew 10:6,13,14) He looks ahead to future efforts in Matthew 10:16-23.
- Apostles named and assignments given (Matthew 10:1)
- Sheep sent out among Sheep and Wolves (Matthew 10:16-23)
- Christ did not send them with a “safe passage” guarantee.
- He sent them among “wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
- Sources of oppression:
- Organized religion (Matthew 10:17) “Synagogues”
- Government (Matthew 10:18) “governors and kings”
- Own Family (Matthew 10:21)
- Note: the same enemies of Jesus would be the enemies of His followers.
- That becomes especially clear as you compare the lives of Jesus and Paul.
- The response warning the wise and wary: (Matthew 10:16-17)
- Wise (shrewd) as a snake.
- Wisdom is displayed in escaping from danger.
- Harmless (innocence – without guile) of a dove.
- Note: The prudence and purity would prove valuable in tense situations. (cf. Acts 17:5-10; 23:13-24; Romans 16:19).
- Beware of men (Matthew 10:17) ‘handed over” “betray” (Matthew 10:21).
- Consider what happened to Jesus (Matthew 26:15-16) “betrayed”
- What happened to the Teacher will happen to the students.
- Matthew 23:34
- Scourging (Acts 5:40; 22:19; 2 Corinthians 11:24)
- Wise (shrewd) as a snake.
- Apostles were brought before governors and kings (Matthew 10:18)
- Jewish and Gentile authorities (Primary persecutors are Jews in Acts)
- Consider (Matthew 5:10-11)
- Instead of focusing on self – defense they used this opportunities to teach about their King
- cf. Felix Acts 24:25
- 2 Timothy 4:17
- God’s empowerment for the Apostles to Speak (Matthew 10:19-20)
- John 14-16 Supernatural empowerment of the apostles. – sent with a commission
- Unique role as ambassadors. We are not apostles, but we learn truth spoken and written by them.
- Family against Family (Matthew 10:21)
- In the face of persecution, family would turn against “betray” family.
- Hated by all for My Name’s Sake (Matthew 10:22)
- Tempted to compromise the truth from Jesus (cf. Galatians 6:12).
- Endure persecution to the point of death (Revelation 2:10)
- Know when to Flee (Matthew 10:23)
- The apostles were to make the most of their time (Ephesians 5:16)
- Persecution in one city served as a “signal for strategic withdrawal to the next city” (Carson 253) (cf. Acts 16-18)
- “till the Son of Man comes”
- Often a reference to a coming in Judgment (cf. Matthew 16:27-28; 24:3,27,30)
- In this case it relates to His coming in the establishment of His Kingdom (Matthew 10:7) “The kingdom of heaven was at hand.”
- Christ did not send them with a “safe passage” guarantee.
- Principles for All Disciples (Matthew 10:21-42)
- Take Courage (Matthew 10:24-31)
- Master – disciple relationship (Matthew 10:24-25)
- If they hated me
- If they called me a demon or Beelzebub [Satan] (Matthew 9:34; 12:24)
- Three Reasons to take courage:
- Believers will ultimately be vindicated (Matthew 10:26)
- Evil revels in concealment (John 3:19-20) “loved the darkness”
- Wickedness is made to look like protection (John 11:48-53) Expedient
- In due time wickedness will be uncovered and right will be vindicated (Romans 2:16; Rev. 6:9-11)
- Don’t shrink back from speaking about Jesus (Acts 4:13). “been with Jesus”
- There is something worse than physical death (Matthew 10:28)
- God can do what man cannot – destroy the whole person in Hell.
- Hebrews 12:28-29
- If we are going to be afraid let’s fear the eternal loss at the hands of God.
- God cares for us (Luke 12:6)
- Little things like sparrows and hairs of the head matter to God.
- “The God who is concerned with the smallest details of creation can be counted on to care for His children.” K. Chumbley (cf. Matthew 7:11)
- Believers will ultimately be vindicated (Matthew 10:26)
- Master – disciple relationship (Matthew 10:24-25)
- Show Courage (Matthew 10:32-42)
- By Confessing Christ (Matthew 10:32-33)
- To confess is to make an open declaration of allegiance
- It means we will follow Him even when it is difficult and costly.
- To the person who serves Him in word and deed is saying of Jesus “He is mine,” and Christ will say of him to the Father, “He is mine.”
- There is no middle ground: We either confess or deny Jesus.
- By Loving God above Family (Matthew 10:34-39)
- The prince of peace who brought reconciliation with God also brought war.
- “When the right goes forth into a world of wrong there must be war.”
- The sword has the power to divide the closest of human ties (Matthew 10:35-36)
- Jesus is not disdaining family affection, but acknowledges that the gospel can produce hostility in families.
- Allegiance to Christ can divide family (cf. Micah 7:6)
- “The truly converted mother will turn with horror from the impurity of her daughter.”
- A believing wife will risk separation from her husband before joining him in sin (1 Corinthians 7:15; 1 Peter 3:1-2)
- A godly son will part company with his father before approving wicked behavior (1 Samuel 20:30-34). Ex. Jonathan and Saul
- “It is better to divide a family with truth than to leave it united in error.”
- To love family more than Christ is to be “unworthy” – disqualified as a disciple (Matthew 10:37)
- Read Matthew 10:38-39
- (Matthew 10:38) “Taking one’s cross” (cf. Matthew 16:24-25) next week.
- (Matthew 10:39) “Finding life” is the pursuit of selfishness. (Used six times)
- Self-seeking is an exercise in self – destruction.
- God wants me to be holy whether happy or not.
- Who is on the throne of your heart?
- By Welcoming God’s People (Matthew 10:40-42)
- Welcoming those who come with the teaching of Christ
- Luke 10:16
- Sharing with others who love and serve the name of Christ “little ones” (Matthew 18:6) “in the name of a disciple”.
- Disciples serve disciples and in doing so receive their reward from the King.
- By Confessing Christ (Matthew 10:32-33)
- Take Courage (Matthew 10:24-31)
- Conclusion:
- (Galatians 2:20) A disciple follows His teacher to the cross.
- A death to self and selfish passion.
- A life devoted as a disciple of the King
- “It is not the gospel has been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and not tried.”
- Galatians 3:26-27
- (Galatians 2:20) A disciple follows His teacher to the cross.