S.R. Matthew 9:35-10:16


  1. What am I getting into?
    1. Always an excellent question to ask.
    2. What are the expectations, requirements and responsibilities if I accept this opportunity?
  2. Jesus never trapped or strong armed people into following Him.
    1. He wanted them to know upfront who He was (is) King.
    2. And He unashamedly challenged would be disciples with expectations.
  3. Matthew 10 fits squarely in addressing those questions.
    1. 1. For daily Bible readers who are following the 5 day reading plan, Friday was Matthew 10.
    2. 2. I found it to be challenging on several fronts.
    3. 3. Perhaps you did also. Let’s consider together what King Jesus said.
  4. Background of Matthew:
    1. Matthew 3:2-3
    2. Matthew 4:17-25 Introduction to the public ministry
      1. Matthew 4:17
      2. Matthew 16:21
      3. Next week (Matthew 16)
    3. (Matthew 5:1-7:29) First discourse: discipleship (Constitution of the Kingdom)
    4. (Matthew 8:1-9:34) A selection of Jesus’ miracles
    5. (Matthew 9:35-11:1) Second discourse: the disciples’ mission
      1. (Matthew 9:35-38) Summary and introduction: workers for the harvest
      2. (Matthew 10:1-4) Twelve apostles (cf. Luke 6)
      3. (Matthew 10:5-16) Instructions for their mission; Limited term (Matthew 10:5-15)
        1. Principles for long term mission of apostles (Matthew 10:16-23)
        2. Principles for all disciples (Matthew 10:24-42) "a disciple"
      4. (Matthew 10:17-39) Warnings of conflict and persecution
      5. (Matthew 10:40-42) Representing Jesus
      6. (Matthew 11:1) Conclusion


  1. Apostles Commissioned (Matthew 10:1-15)
    1. Apostles named and assignments given (Matthew 10:1)
      1. Authority (power) to do like the Master was doing.
        1. Follow me (Matthew4:19)
      2. Teaching about the kingdom and fighting the devil.
    2. At this point a limited target audience is noted in Matthew 10:5-15 
      1. (Matthew 10:5-6) Jews only 
      2. Always important to identify your objective.
    3. Instructions given regarding:
      1. How to travel – light
      2. With whom to lodge – those sympathetic and supportive of the work
    4. Transition to future assignments to reach out to all people (Matthew 28:19).
      1. While speaking about the resistance the Twelve would encounter in their mission to Israel (Matthew 10:6,13,14) He looks ahead to future efforts in Matthew 10:16-23.
  2. Sheep sent out among Sheep and Wolves (Matthew 10:16-23)
    1. Christ did not send them with a “safe passage” guarantee.
      1. He sent them among “wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
    2. Sources of oppression:
      1. Organized religion (Matthew 10:17) “Synagogues”
      2. Government (Matthew 10:18) “governors and kings”
      3. Own Family (Matthew 10:21)
      4. Note: the same enemies of Jesus would be the enemies of His followers.
      5. That becomes especially clear as you compare the lives of Jesus and Paul.
    3. The response warning the wise and wary: (Matthew 10:16-17)
      1. Wise (shrewd) as a snake.
        1. Wisdom is displayed in escaping from danger.
      2. Harmless (innocence – without guile) of a dove.
      3. Note: The prudence and purity would prove valuable in tense situations. (cf. Acts 17:5-10; 23:13-24; Romans 16:19).
      4. Beware of men (Matthew 10:17) ‘handed over” “betray” (Matthew 10:21).
        1. Consider what happened to Jesus (Matthew 26:15-16) “betrayed”
        2. What happened to the Teacher will happen to the students.
          1. Matthew 23:34
          2. Scourging (Acts 5:40; 22:19; 2 Corinthians 11:24)
    4. Apostles were brought before governors and kings (Matthew 10:18)
      1. Jewish and Gentile authorities (Primary persecutors are Jews in Acts)
      2. Consider (Matthew 5:10-11)
      3. Instead of focusing on self – defense they used this opportunities to teach about their King
        1. cf. Felix  Acts 24:25
        2. 2 Timothy 4:17
    5. God’s empowerment for the Apostles to Speak (Matthew 10:19-20)
      1. John 14-16 Supernatural empowerment of the apostles. – sent with a commission
      2. Unique role as ambassadors. We are not apostles, but we learn truth spoken and written by them.
    6. Family against Family (Matthew 10:21)
      1. In the face of persecution, family would turn against “betray” family.
    7. Hated by all for My Name’s Sake (Matthew 10:22)
      1. Tempted to compromise the truth from Jesus (cf. Galatians 6:12).
      2. Endure persecution to the point of death (Revelation 2:10)
    8. Know when to Flee (Matthew 10:23)
      1. The apostles were to make the most of their time (Ephesians 5:16)
      2. Persecution in one city served as a “signal for strategic withdrawal to the next city” (Carson 253) (cf. Acts 16-18)
      3. “till the Son of Man comes”
        1. Often a reference to a coming in Judgment (cf. Matthew 16:27-28; 24:3,27,30)
        2. In this case it relates to His coming in the establishment of His Kingdom (Matthew 10:7) “The kingdom of heaven was at hand.”
  3. Principles for All Disciples (Matthew 10:21-42)
    1. Take Courage (Matthew 10:24-31)
      1. Master – disciple relationship (Matthew 10:24-25)
        1. If they hated me
        2. If they called me a demon or Beelzebub [Satan] (Matthew 9:34; 12:24)
      2. Three Reasons to take courage:
        1. Believers will ultimately be vindicated (Matthew 10:26)
          1. Evil revels in concealment (John 3:19-20) “loved the darkness”
          2. Wickedness is made to look like protection (John 11:48-53) Expedient
          3. In due time wickedness will be uncovered and right will be vindicated (Romans 2:16; Rev. 6:9-11)
          4. Don’t shrink back from speaking about Jesus (Acts 4:13). “been with Jesus”
        2. There is something worse than physical death (Matthew 10:28)
          1. God can do what man cannot – destroy the whole person in Hell.
          2. Hebrews 12:28-29
          3. If we are going to be afraid let’s fear the eternal loss at the hands of God.
        3. God cares for us (Luke 12:6)
          1. Little things like sparrows and hairs of the head matter to God.
          2. “The God who is concerned with the smallest details of creation can be counted on to care for His children.” K. Chumbley (cf. Matthew 7:11)
    2. Show Courage (Matthew 10:32-42)
      1. By Confessing Christ (Matthew 10:32-33)
        1. To confess is to make an open declaration of allegiance
        2. It means we will follow Him even when it is difficult and costly.
        3. To the person who serves Him in word and deed is saying of Jesus “He is mine,” and Christ will say of him to the Father, “He is mine.”
        4. There is no middle ground: We either confess or deny Jesus.
      2. By Loving God above Family (Matthew 10:34-39)
        1. The prince of peace who brought reconciliation with God also brought war.
        2. “When the right goes forth into a world of wrong there must be war.”
        3. The sword has the power to divide the closest of human ties (Matthew 10:35-36)
        4. Jesus is not disdaining family affection, but acknowledges that the gospel can produce hostility in families.
        5. Allegiance to Christ can divide family (cf. Micah 7:6)
          1. “The truly converted mother will turn with horror from the impurity of her daughter.”
          2. A believing wife will risk separation from her husband before joining him in sin (1 Corinthians 7:15; 1 Peter 3:1-2)
          3. A godly son will part company with his father before approving wicked behavior (1 Samuel 20:30-34). Ex. Jonathan and Saul
        6. “It is better to divide a family with truth than to leave it united in error.”
        7. To love family more than Christ is to be “unworthy” – disqualified as a disciple (Matthew 10:37)
        8. Read Matthew 10:38-39 
          1. (Matthew 10:38) “Taking one’s cross” (cf. Matthew 16:24-25) next week. 
          2. (Matthew 10:39) “Finding life” is the pursuit of selfishness. (Used six times)
            1. Self-seeking is an exercise in self – destruction.
            2. God wants me to be holy whether happy or not.
          3. Who is on the throne of your heart?
      3. By Welcoming God’s People (Matthew 10:40-42)
        1. Welcoming those who come with the teaching of Christ
        2. Luke 10:16
        3. Sharing with others who love and serve the name of Christ “little ones” (Matthew 18:6) “in the name of a disciple”.
          1. Disciples serve disciples and in doing so receive their reward from the King.
  4. Conclusion:
    1. (Galatians 2:20) A disciple follows His teacher to the cross.
      1. A death to self and selfish passion.
      2. A life devoted as a disciple of the King
      3. “It is not the gospel has been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and not tried.”
    2. Galatians 3:26-27