S.R. Genesis 3:1-19


  1. Some People Grow up in Terrible Environments
    1. Cruelty and degradation that some children are exposed to is horrific
    2. Examples
  2. Some Grew up in Healthy Environments
    1. Some enjoyed a relatively healthy and happy childhood
  3. Is My Environment the Ultimate determining factor for my Behavior?
    1. Does a difficult environment excuse my behavior?
    2. Am I accountable to control myself?
  4. Is My Environment an Excuse for My Sin?


  1. Good Environments
    1. Luke 15:11-22 Prodigal
      1. Lived in a good home (Luke 15:22)
      2. Still sinned – Thoughts at home led to actions away from home (Luke 15:11-13)
    2. Is Physical Prosperity or Poverty an Excuse for riotous living?
      1. Solomon (1 Kings 10:14)
      2. 1 Kings 11:4-10
      3. Grew up as a privileged child
    3. Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-19)
      1. Idyllic environment with God
    4. A good environment is a great help but we can still choose to be drawn away
      1. James 1:13-15
  2. Bad Environments
    1. Joseph:
      1. Hated by his brothers (Genesis 37:5)
      2. Sold into Slavery (Genesis 37:25-28)
      3. False accusations (Genesis 39:11-20)
    2. Job:
      1. Job 1:22
      2. Job 2:9-10
      3. “Did not sin”
  3. Lessons Learned
    1. Environment May influence Behavior, but is not Responsible for Choices
      1. Attitudes – not Environment – Dictates Decisions
      2. Jeremiah 5:23
      3. While will you die?
      4. Dig Deep into God’s
        1. Promises (1 Corinthians 15:58)
        2. Provision (1 Peter 5:7)
        3. Precepts (Psalm 73)
    2. Good choice, Bad choice – Your choice
      1. Choose once – choose well
      2. Choose you this day (Joshua 24:15)
    3. What is under my control? (2 Peter 1:5) Are you adding it?
    4. Stop making Excuses and Start making Excellent Choices (Philippians 1:9-11)
  4. Conclusion
    1. Coming to God in the midst of tribulation.
      1. The first century produced a dreadful environments and great tribulation
        1. 1 Thessalonians 1:3-11
        2. 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
      2. Acts 17:3-4; 11-12
      3. Believers search the Scriptures and follow the Christ into Suffering for His Name.
      4. Acts 14:21-22
    2. Will you choose to serve Christ in the face of a difficult environment?