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- Series: General
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- Additional file: 2015-07-05 Christ-Countering the Culture - Alan Yeater.pdf
S.R. Acts 17:26-32
- July 4th 1776
- The second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
- The Scriptures declare how all human beings are viewed by their Creator.
- Acts 17: 26
- Jesus the Christ, more than any other person throughout time, has taught us how to view our fellow human beings.
- Let us survey the interaction of Jesus with various ethnic groups
- Jesus and the Jewish People
- For the past 1400 years prior to Jesus the Jews enjoyed a special national connection, with specific laws, priests, religious rites, and a tabernacle/temple that set them apart as God’s own chosen possession (cf. Romans 3:1,2; 9:1-5).
- God recognizes people as individuals. National or ethnic identity does not define the person. (Matthew 3:7-10)
- (Luke 4:16 ff.) Jesus in his hometown
- Even in the period of the Jewish nation God often showed special kindness to those of other ethnicities.
- Jesus experienced the prejudice of Jewish leaders based upon:
- Questions surrounding his birth (John 8:41)
- The place of his childhood residence (John 1:21; 7:52)
- The lack of a “good education.”
- John 7:15; 41-52
- The low view of his occupation (Mark 6:2-3)
- Jesus came to the Jews first (John 1:11) “They did not receive him.”
- Jesus treated these people with respect and proper decorum
- As a 12 year old (Luke 2:46)
- And as an adult (Matthew 23:1-3)
- Jesus countered the culture of hate with a culture of love. (Matthew 5:43-46)
- Jesus and the Gentiles
- Centurion who seeks healing for his servant (Luke 7:6-10)
- Syro-Phonecian (Mark 7:26-31)
- Greeks seeking Jesus (John 12:20-21)
- Jesus, a “light to the Gentiles” (Acts 13:47)
- Jesus and the Samaritans
- Disciples view of Samaritans
- Background (2 Kings 17)
- Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4:9, 27)
- Call down fire (Luke 9:51-56)
- Ten leprous men healed (Luke 17:12-18)
- Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33) Trying to define “Who is my neighbor?”
- Disciples view of Samaritans
- Jesus Taught People: All Ethnic groups; Men and Women
- John 4 “had to go through Samaria.”
- Jesus went to the Samaritans and so did Philip (Acts 8:12)
- Jesus came for all and Phillip taught an Ethiopian about Jesus (Acts 8)
- Jesus hated sin but loved sinners.
- Jesus did not expose the Samaritan woman’s sin because she was a Samaritan. But because she was a sinner.
- Look up – what do you see? (John 4:35)
- John 4 “had to go through Samaria.”
- Observations:
- Jesus Christ, more than any other person throughout time, has taught us how to view our fellow human beings.
- The gospel of the kingdom has instructed us more accurately than any other document in history how we are to respond to all others in the human race.
- It is a journey for nations and individuals to learn and imitate the teaching and practice of Jesus in our interaction with other people.
- The more we imbibe the principles of postmodernism and the general theory of evolution the more rapid the deterioration of the social fabric.
- Jesus Christ, more than any other person throughout time, has taught us how to view our fellow human beings.
- The Gospel is for All
- Galatians 3:26-28 “28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”