- Details
- Series: Fruit of the Spirit
- Date:
- Additional file: 2014-08-03 Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness - Mike Sullivan.pdf
Gentleness / Prautés is difficult to adequately translate; it is most commonly translated gentleness or meekness.
Prautés is the word in which strength and gentleness are perfectly combined
“It is when we have prautés that we treat all men with perfect courtesy, that we can rebuke without rancor, that we can argue without intolerance, that we can face the truth without resentment, that we can be angry and yet sin not, that we can be gentle and not weak.” (Barclay)
- The Gentleness of Jesus
- “I am Gentle and Humble in Heart” (Mt. 11:25-30; cf. 12:14-21)
- “Gentle, and Mounted on a Donkey” (Mt. 21:1-11; cf. Zec. 9:1-10)
- Balancing Strength and Gentleness
- We Are Commanded to Practice Gentleness
- Make a Defense in Gentleness (1 Pe. 3:14-17)
- Correct Opposition in Gentleness (2 Ti. 2:22-26; cf. Pr. 15:1)
- Correct One Another in Gentleness (Ga. 6:1-2)
- The Gentleness of Jesus
- Prayer: “Yet Not As I Will, But As You Will” (Mt. 26:36-39)
- Arrest: “More Than Twelve Legions of Angels at My Disposal” (Mt. 26:51-54)
- Trial: “But Jesus Kept Silent” (Mt. 26:59-68)
- Death: “Jesus Yielded Up His Spirit” (Mt. 26:38-44, 50)
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh” (Ga. 5:16). “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” (Ga. 5:24-25).