Kevin Rosenbaum
(2014 Fall Semester) Exodus/Leviticus
This course will focus on the Mosaic books of Exodus and Leviticus, lending special attention to the theme of the Exodus through each book. As a follow up to the Genesis class, this course will continue through the writings of Moses, tracing the early national history of Israel. While time constraints prohibit a verse-by-verse study of these books, this course will focus on major events, histories, and themes throughout the texts. While the overarching theme of the course will concentrate on the Exodus and its implications for holiness, other sub-themes will be highlighted throughout the study. Course topics will include the rise of Moses, the Egyptian slavery, the Exodus, , the Ten Commandments, the tabernacle, the golden calf, the sacrifices in Leviticus, the Levitical priesthood, the commandments for holiness, and other related content within Exodus and Leviticus.
This class will meet downstairs.
Teachers: Dan Albaugh, Jason Coles, Alan Yeater
(2014 Fall Semester) Romans
Romans is an amazing letter that presents the gospel message very thoroughly and powerfully. Romans forces us to think through the depths of God's plan to save and in the process transforms our lives to reflect His love and grace. Romans strengthens us and equips us in the face of so many distorted gospels. Romans fills us with joy and overwhelming gratitude. Romans unites us as a people of God. And so much more...
Teachers: Mike Sullivan & Andrew Bean
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(2014 Spring) Is Jesus (My) King
This study will look at the evidence supporting the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, the Son of God. To answer this question, we need to look at many other questions raised about the legitimacy of the Bible and it's description of historical events. However, we also need to consider whether there's enough evidence to suggest that we've each individually made Jesus our King. This study should help us answer that question as well, as we look at some of Jesus' teachings about His father's kingdom.
Class meets in back building.
(2014 Spring) Genesis
A study of Genesis and the Law that focuses on shadows and statements that prepare us for Christ and demonstrate God's purposes in Christ "before the foundation of the world."
Ted Brewer - Audio Recordings
Dear family,
I just thought I would share some recordings I found of some of his lessons. There are a lot of phrases he shared that when he started I knew where he was going next. I took so many of those for granted. That is what made me look around for these. It's also good just to hear his voice.
I always remember his commentary on Eph 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her". He would mock and say something like "yes, but she burns the toast..." "No - Husbands, love your wives!"
He was a good shepherd who pointed us to the Great Shepherd.
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(2013 Winter) God's Power and Geography
Winter Term Study: This will be a 4 week class (8 lessons total) for all adults, which will meet in the auditorium. The class plans to focus on a few events that will communicate the bible story and demonstrate God's power in remarkable ways. The class will also emphasize the ways these events point to Christ and/or the ways Christ becomes the ultimate fulfillment of these events.
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(2013 Spring) Sermon On The Mount
Jesus' sermon on the mount "is the best known, least understood, and least practiced of all the teachings of Jesus." - Paul Earnhart
The aim of this study is become better acquainted with this sermon as we see it as the "gospel of the kingdom" (Mt 4:23).
"Students of the Greatest Preacher and the Greatest Sermon ever.
Our goal in this study is to come away with the same reaction as the first hearers.
Matthew 7:28 - 29 "When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,
29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."
Please read or listen to the message over and over before and during the study. It will only take 10 - 15 minutes.
Kevin Rosenbaum, Mike Sullivan and John Christian have invested considerable time in studying this document. They have agreed to help me teach this revolutionary message.
Think about where (time and place) in the overall 3 years of public teaching did this presentation occur. See if you can find where it would have occured according to Mark's account.
The words of Jesus are the most important in our study of this presentation of this inaugural addrss of the constitution of His kingdom. His words were radically different than those religious or political teachers of his day or any day before or after.
Gratefully yours,
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(2013) Holy Spirit Study
The Holy Spirit of God
(Intro. and Old Testament Overview)
- Why study the Spirit of God?
- Why study about God?
- To know God we must come to know Him as “Spirit” (cf. John 4:24)
- Characteristics are learned by relationship and personality.
- Jesus is the “Son” of God.
- The Spirit of God rested upon the Son of God.
- We learn about the person by learning of his “personality.”
- Many questions surround the Spirit and His work.
- A certain amount of mystery pervades the study, due in part, to the terms Ghost (KJV) and Spirit.
- Our curiosity and need to know compels us to evaluate His person and work.
- Your questions are solicited and will be received in writing on May 15th
- We want to embrace all that the Spirit has revealed about Himself as well as His revelation of the Father and the Son.
- Reception of the Holy Spirit and His gifts is considered a blessed experience.
- Examples: Luke 4:18; Acts 2:38; Ephesians 1:13 – 14; Titus 3:5 – 7; 2 Cor. 13:14
- New Testament references to the “spirit.” (Gk. pneuma)
- Spirit mentioned 264 times (Copeland, executable outlines)
- 60 or more references in the gospels
- Acts has 57 references - some refer to this document as the [Acts of the Holy Spirit]
- Future study of the Luke – Acts relationship of the Spirit’s work.
- Holy Spirit referenced 132 times in the letters to Christians (epistles)
- Greek term “pneuma”
- translated in NASB as “Breath 3 times, Spirit 239, spirit 103, spirits 32, spiritual 1, wind 1, winds 1 - King James Word Usage - Total: 385
Spirit 111, Holy Ghost 89, Spirit (of God) 13, Spirit (of the Lord) 5, (My) Spirit 3, Spirit (of truth) 3, Spirit (of Christ) 2, human (spirit) 49, (evil) spirit 47, spirit (general) 26, spirit 8, (Jesus' own) spirit 6, (Jesus' own) ghost 2, miscellaneous 21
- This first study will consider the Holy Spirit and His work as revealed through the Old Testament
- In future lessons particular emphasis will be placed on God’s purpose in Christ.
- Focus on the coming of God’s Spirit upon His people as described in Joel 2, Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37 will help prepare us to see His work among His new covenant people.
- Special attention will be given to the coming of the Spirit upon the Messiah as seen in announcements of Isaiah and other prophets.
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(2010) Book of Acts
The book of Acts
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(2013) Revelation
Somewhat ironically, apocalyptic scriptures, such as Revelation, are often considered mysterious and difficult to understand. The irony in this comes from the fact that 'apocalypse' (in Greek) literally means a disclosure or uncovering of knowledge. This type of writing is meant to reveal truths, not conceal or confuse them. The aim of this study is to build on the foundations laid in previous studies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and particularly Ezekiel to help remove the mystery that surrounds apocalyptic scripture in Daniel, the gospels, and primarily in Revelation. In so doing, participants will see the primary message of these texts: God is always victorious, and those who are on his side will share in victory.