The Holy Spirit of God
(Intro. and Old Testament Overview)
- Why study the Spirit of God?
- Why study about God?
- To know God we must come to know Him as “Spirit” (cf. John 4:24)
- Characteristics are learned by relationship and personality.
- Jesus is the “Son” of God.
- The Spirit of God rested upon the Son of God.
- We learn about the person by learning of his “personality.”
- Many questions surround the Spirit and His work.
- A certain amount of mystery pervades the study, due in part, to the terms Ghost (KJV) and Spirit.
- Our curiosity and need to know compels us to evaluate His person and work.
- Your questions are solicited and will be received in writing on May 15th
- We want to embrace all that the Spirit has revealed about Himself as well as His revelation of the Father and the Son.
- Reception of the Holy Spirit and His gifts is considered a blessed experience.
- Examples: Luke 4:18; Acts 2:38; Ephesians 1:13 – 14; Titus 3:5 – 7; 2 Cor. 13:14
- New Testament references to the “spirit.” (Gk. pneuma)
- Spirit mentioned 264 times (Copeland, executable outlines)
- 60 or more references in the gospels
- Acts has 57 references - some refer to this document as the [Acts of the Holy Spirit]
- Future study of the Luke – Acts relationship of the Spirit’s work.
- Holy Spirit referenced 132 times in the letters to Christians (epistles)
- Greek term “pneuma”
- translated in NASB as “Breath 3 times, Spirit 239, spirit 103, spirits 32, spiritual 1, wind 1, winds 1 - King James Word Usage - Total: 385
Spirit 111, Holy Ghost 89, Spirit (of God) 13, Spirit (of the Lord) 5, (My) Spirit 3, Spirit (of truth) 3, Spirit (of Christ) 2, human (spirit) 49, (evil) spirit 47, spirit (general) 26, spirit 8, (Jesus' own) spirit 6, (Jesus' own) ghost 2, miscellaneous 21
- This first study will consider the Holy Spirit and His work as revealed through the Old Testament
- In future lessons particular emphasis will be placed on God’s purpose in Christ.
- Focus on the coming of God’s Spirit upon His people as described in Joel 2, Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37 will help prepare us to see His work among His new covenant people.
- Special attention will be given to the coming of the Spirit upon the Messiah as seen in announcements of Isaiah and other prophets.
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